The long-awaited sequel to “Tokyo Revengers” will be released in two parts, before and after the film. Once again, Hinata is killed in front of Takemichi’s very eyes by the…
Hinata is murdered again by the Tokyo Manjikai Gang in front of Takemichi. In order to save Hinata, Takemichi travels 10 years back in time again. Takemichi has to change…
Kei Kikuno attends a vocational school as a student. For her part-time job, she works as a contract killer. She is excellent at her job and never gets scared by…
This work is a 12-year story of Mana, a woman who cannot accept the death of her best friend, staring at her as she tries to step forward while having…
An unemployed man learns that his ex-girlfriend was murdered. He suddenly finds himself travelling through time to his middle school years and has chance to change the future and save…
Etsuro Kurosu faills getting into a university and becomes a hikikomori. One day, he tries to hang himself from a hook on the wall in his apartment. He fails, but…
Iwane Sakazaki returns to his homeland and gets caught in the middle of an incident that results in the tragic death of two of his best friends from childhood. He…