Tourgasm is an American documentary television series that aired on HBO in 2006. The series follows the 2005 30-day 20-show stand-up comedy tour featuring Dane Cook and three of his…
Colin Quinn and his friends haven’t performed comedy in months thanks to the pandemic. So they got together and performed in a parking lot. What could go wrong?
In his first HBO comedy special, Gary Gulman offers candid reflections on his struggles with depression through stand-up and short documentary interludes. While speaking to issues of mental health, Gulman…
Amanda is the assistant to a famous photographer. Her boss receives an invitation to photograph the Christmas festivities in the kingdom of Pantrea and Amanda goes posing as her. She…
Robert Kelly: Live at the Village Underground is a stand-up comedy film that captures the indomitable nightlife and comedy club scene of New York City through Robert Kelly’s raucous, savvy…
In the follow-up to his first EPIX comedy special Please Be Offended, caustic comedian Jim Norton continues to push every hot button he can find… all in the name of…