Deepak Pradhan, a young police officer, gets transferred to North Bengal where his junior officers are involved in corrupt practices. When disturbing events from the past start to surface and…
An old, single man leads a retired and lonely life but enjoys it as much as possible. Everything changes when he receives a wrong number phone call, creating a window…
Bob Biswas, a hitman-for-hire, comes out of a prolonged coma and struggles to recall his identity but suffers a moral dilemma when the memories of his past resurface.
Chaar is a Bengali anthology film based on four short stories by different writers: “Bateswarer Abodan” by Parasuram, “Porikkha” by Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay, “Kagtarua” by Satyajit Ray and “Dui Bondhu” by…
In today’s metropolitan life, with the rise of nuclear family, a child grows slowly but learns quickly. He learns that he has to study, build his career and survive in…