Silk is a British television drama series produced by the BBC and first shown in 2011. Written by Peter Moffat, the series follows a set of barristers, and what they…
Len Green is a former bank robber and getaway driver who has retired from the criminal life and joined the undertakers run by his uncle. However, his resolve to stay…
Following the lives of three 20-somethings sharing a flat in Battersea. They’re young, bright and sexy – so why aren’t they having a good time ? Join Matthew (the agoraphobic,…
Silk is a British television drama series produced by the BBC and first shown in 2011. Written by Peter Moffat, the series follows a set of barristers, and what they…
Bruno, a sadistic criminal, wants clever con man Leo out of the way. Leo and his equally clever wife, Lily, are up to something. So too is Julius: he hires…