Parents-to-be Jackie and Elliott embark on a quest for self-actualization before the imminent birth of their first child in this strikingly honest and hilarious portrait of parents and children.
Back in 1968, Bucky and the Squirrels topped the charts with their dance hit ‘Do the Squirrel.’ Unfortunately, on their first promotional tour, the plane carrying the band crashed and…
A skeptical journalist is assigned to chronicle the 50th anniversary of Kris Kringle, a Santa Claus in the town of Mistletoe. As her involvement in the town grows, she begins…
She’s an avid mystery lover and bookseller, for whom crime has been comfortably confined to the pages of her favorite novels-until a real-life murder turns a weekend of fun and…
The story begins at the height of Gleason’s career. He has it all: women, wealth, and extraordinary power. But he is haunted by memories of his childhood. Gleason spends his…