The series initially starred veteran movie supporting actor Ward Bond as the wagon master, later replaced upon his death by John McIntire, and Robert Horton as the scout, subsequently replaced…
Three short stories about three extraordinary friendships gone wrong; An antique car comes into the life of the young couple of Alex and Kathleen. The young bachelor Frank finds a…
Frances Austen, a young, wealthy spinster, invites a mute teenager into her apartment after finding him freezing in the park next to where she lives. Despite her best efforts, their…
Ellen Hardy gets a rude awakening when she discovers that her brother and sister are scheduled to leave their mental institution. As children, they were put there after killing their…
A drifter finds himself wrongly accused of murder by a power-crazed sheriff. The sheriff gives him a horse, some supplies, and a one-hour head start into the desert before sending…
The Apaches are on the warpath and the Army must defend them. Murphy’s mission is to get a shipment of rifles, but it’s stolen by greedy white traders with the…