The film begins with a flashback from the titular character, Antoine. We are introduced to his fixation with female hairdressers which began at a young age. The film uses flashbacks…
A very faithful Jewish man works making diamond dust in his family’s workshop, to sell to industries. One day he goes on businnes trip. In the same train goes a…
In this sequel to Les Bronzes (1978) summer has passed, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to end for Bernard, Nathalie, Gigi, Jerome, Popeye, Jean-Claude, and Christiane.
Popular animated hero Asterix and his faithful sidekick Obelix travel to ancient Egypt to help Cleopatra build a new summer home. Cleopatra and Julius Caesar have made a bet, with…
In the year 50 BC, Gaul is occupied by the Romans – nearly. But the small village of Asterix and his friends still resists the Roman legions with the aid…