This DIC animated action-adventure series follows four exceptional Air Force Academy cadets and a wrongly court-martialed Stargate veteran as they travel planets through gated wormholes protecting a myst. Based on…
The story of a heartbroken man who attends a spiritual retreat, only to discover that the course releases more than everyday toxins and traumatic experiences.
Passed over at work and numbed after she witnesses a colleague’s murder, security guard Trixie Zurbo takes a relatively easy job at a lakefront casino, working undercover keeping an eye…
When young computer genius Rudy inherits his father’s business his avaricious uncle has him kidnapped and held hostage until the boy signs off all rights to the lucrative enterprise. Not…
Radio psychologist Jack Black takes his children Joshua and Ashley on a ‘vacation’ to a lake in British Columbia. While he grinds away at work the children discover that the…
Cynical hit man Mick is tiring of his job and asks his boss George for time off. However, George gives him the assignment of his life, prompting Mick’s soul-searching to…