Jake 2.0 is an American science fiction television series originally broadcast on UPN in 2003. The series was canceled on January 14, 2004 due to low ratings, leaving four episodes…
Tom, a legal firm assistant, spots a suspicious man outside the court and follows him. Later, he gets trapped in a building with the same man who turns out to…
A young offender on the mend, 19-year-old Cole Hurley agrees to attend a university devoted to prisoner reform. But hope for a turnaround is endangered by his impulsive affair with…
Dr. Maxwell is called in to investigate the kidnapping of a prize race horse. When the case leads to murder, Maxwell and Detective Bryant suspect the horse’s owner.
Five friends welcome real life vampirism into their lives. They cut their own wrists and let their friends drink from them. Rod, the leader, and a very psychotic young guy,…
Two small-town girls arrive in Chicago to find fame and fortune. Ruby wants to be a fashion designer; Holly simply wants a city salary to help out her family. Both…