A reality comedy that delves into the secret lives of the leading four radio-presenters, detailing how these celebrities deal with living in the public eye, meeting the daily expectations of…
Mr Unbelievable tells the story of Eric Kwek Hock Seng, who takes it upon himself to the symbol of national pride. As his Shifu’s Getai business declines in popularity, Eric…
Based upon an urban legend of 2 rivalling bak kwa shops, “Hao Han Bak Kwa” and “Mei Mei Bak Kwa”. The founders of these two stores however, Zeng Mei Mei…
Ah Long’s father was desperate to have a son born in the year of the Dragon because his ancestors had decreed that only a “Dragon boy”could take over family’s lion…
It’s A Great Great World is set in Singapore’s legendary amusement park Great World, which was also affectionately known in Hokkien as Tua Seh Kai or 大世界. Spanning the 1940s…