Anyone But Me is a live-action, web television drama that first aired in 2008. The show is in serial short-format webisodes, each lasting between six and fifteen minutes, following the…
Set in the charming town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, the series follows the captivating lives of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, a mother/daughter pair who have a relationship most people only…
Randolph Bradley is perfectly content fading into the background, but when his coworker Benson snaps and goes on a violent killing spree, he’s forced to face his fears and confront…
This feature film tells the true story of Charles S. Gilpin; the first black star on Broadway and his leading role in Eugene O’Neill’s controversial play, The Emperor Jones.
In 1960s San Francisco, bright and talented catholic school girl Celina Guerrera survives a difficult home life by following the rules. That is until an indiscretion creates a series of…
After learning of an urban legend in which a demented serial killer named SMILEY can be summoned through the internet, mentally fragile Ashley must decide whether she is losing her…
Mr. Jack and Sweet Stephen cruise aimlessly through the streets of LA speculating about life, death, divine will and the force of power that predetermines their existence. Mr. Jack attempts…