The show is a spin off from the Shaun the Sheep animation which itself is a spin off from the Aardman series Wallace & Gromit, which introduced the character of…
Shaun’s seasonal excitement turns to dismay when a farmhouse raid to get bigger stockings for the flock inadvertently leads to Timmy going missing. Can Shaun get Timmy back before he…
When an alien with amazing powers crash-lands near Mossy Bottom Farm, Shaun the Sheep goes on a mission to shepherd the intergalactic visitor home before a sinister organization can capture…
Shaun bluffs his dimwitted farmer master into bidding for three llamas at a county fair. Once they arrive, however, they cause such chaotic destructive mayhem that Shaun has to carefully…
Bob s building Fixham Harbour s new dinosaur-themed fun park with a giant roller coaster and fantastic rides. Everything is going to plan until the team begin unearth dinosaur bones…
In their new home of Fixham Harbour, Bob and the team set to work tackling exciting new building jobs, and making new friends. But when Spud and Scrambler learn of…