Infinite Challenge has been reported as the first “Real-Variety” show in Korean television history. The program is largely unscripted, and follows a similar format of challenge-based Reality Television programs, familiar…
High Kick! was a popular South Korean situation comedy revolving around the life of the Lee family, taking place in Seoul at the same time as the broadcast. The title…
The plot is instantly familiar in the great martial arts tradition, being set in a small town which is home to two rival masters, one who practices Taekkyun (Shin Hyun…
This gangster comedy chronicles the White Tiger Family of Jeolla Province. Hong Deok-ja, head of the crime family, quits the syndicate to open a kimchi business after her son marries…
927 AD. The Killer-Blade Army has toppled the ruling dynasty, plunging the kingdom into chaos. The only remaining heir, Prince Jung-Hyun is living in exile, unaware of his family’s dark…