Eight Is Enough is an American television comedy-drama series that ran on ABC from March 15, 1977, until August 29, 1981. The show was modeled after syndicated newspaper columnist Thomas…
As Ariel, an up-and-coming magazine writer, and Mark, a successful architect, battle over ownership of an idyllic Christmas cottage, they soon discover that their cozy holiday getaway may not be…
Sheriff Rockwell is settling into an unwanted retirement until his old war buddy and neighboring Sheriff is mysteriously shot. When overlooked evidence points to corruption, Alden must take the investigation…
Teenager Les Anderson thinks his life can’t get any worse after he flunks his driver’s exam, but he’s wrong. Even though he didn’t receive his license, Les refuses to break…
A freewheeling drag racer enters a local championship meet and finds himself head-to-head with the tyrannical town boss who has already arranged for his own son to win.