Thomas & Friends is a British children’s television series, which had its first broadcast on the ITV network on 4 September 1984. It is based on The Railway Series of…
Thomas and Friends are racing on the rails. The clock is ticking for Thomas, Bertie and Spencer to get to the castle on time. As Philip shows Gordon how fast…
There’s trouble on the tracks for Thomas and his friends. Gordon and Cranky don’t want to listen to Really Useful advice from Paxton and Kevin. Scruff, Winston and Stafford lose…
Thomas and his friends are charged up and ready to Go Go! Thomas shows Gordon that being quick is as useful as being strong, while Flynn the fire engine learns…
Through mud, garbage, and muck, Thomas and his engine friends show that being really Useful can be a dirty job! See James turn into the Really Muddy Engine, and Thomas…
One summer, Thomas comes across an old abandoned engine called Hiro. Desperately in need of repair, Hiro faces the Smelters Yard, so Thomas and his friends must work together to…