Paddington Bear was the second television adaptation of the children’s animated series and made by Hanna-Barbera. This series was traditional two-dimensional animated and featured veteran voice actor Charlie Adler as…
Therapist Tess falls for widowed professor Paul, who’s having an affair with Carla, one of her patients. Tess turns a dangerous page when she uncovers that Paul is not only…
Salem, 1692. The mayor and judge are accusing land owner of witchery in order to grab their land. No one knows that are handsome stranger is a real witch and…
Challenged by a new student, tutor and theorist Galileo co-opts emerging telescope technology and discovers irrefutable proof of the heretical notion that the earth is not the center of the…
Dr. Tremayne is an enigmatic psychiatrist running an asylum that houses four very special cases. Visited by his colleague Nicholas, Tremayne explains his amazing and controversial theories as to why…
When various trustees of the Van Traylen Orphanage begin dying in close order, it’s at first written off as a coincidence. But, when a school bus accident very nearly takes…
Bruce Pritchard is paralysed in a soccer game and is confined to a wheelchair in a convalescence home. But this doesn’t slow his lust for life. Then he meets Jill…