Featuring new music inspired by holiday classic The Nutcracker, this animated special follows Elmo’s fantastical adventure through magical lands to retrieve a nutcracker toy, along with his puppy Tango –…
An upcoming animated Sesame Street special premiering on HBO Max on August 5, 2021. The special serves as an introduction to Tango, Elmo’s new pet puppy.
Everyone’s favorite furry red monster is back with a brand-new special to teach us the importance of standing up and speaking out when people are treated unfairly.
Part of Sesame Workshop’s “Caring for Each Other” Initiative, Sesame Street: Elmo’s Playdate offers families a moment of joy and connection in challenging times.
In When You Wish Upon a Pickle, a mysterious wish machine appears on Sesame Street and the magical pickle inside starts granting wishes. Before long, the gang learns they need…
This holiday special goes back in time to show how Elmo’s ancestors–not to mention those of Grover, Big Bird, Bert, Ernie, Oscar the Grouch and Cookie Monster–helped transform “the most…
While on a grand world tour, The Muppets find themselves wrapped into an European jewel-heist caper headed by a Kermit the Frog look-alike and his dastardly sidekick.
When Gonzo forgets to mail three letters to Santa, he convinces Kermit and the gang to help him deliver the notes to the North Pole. Along the way, they discover…
When Kermit the Frog and the Muppets learn that their beloved theater is slated for demolition, a sympathetic human, Gary, and his puppet brother, Walter, swoop in to help the…
A young woman named Dorothy Gale dreams of becoming a singer but is unable to pursue her dreams. After being swept up by a tornado with her pet prawn Toto,…
The owner of a bank (Miss Bitterman) wants to own the Muppet Theatre so she can build a nightclub over it. After she tricks Pepe into giving her the only…