A Disney Christmas Gift is a 47-minute Christmas television special which aired on December 4, 1982 on CBS’ Walt Disney Presents television program. It was a Christmas-themed compilation of animated…
A special yuletide collection of classic moments with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Chip ‘n’ Dale, Cruella De Vil and many other Disney favourites. The movie contains: Mickey’s Mixed Nuts…
Donald has a ride-on sized train layout in his backyard. There’s a large tree (home to Chip ‘n Dale) that’s out of scale, so Donald moves it while they’re out;…
Donald is shoveling the snow off his walk; Chip ‘n’ Dale are shoveling their branch. Donald tricks them into shoveling his walk. Angered, they sneak into his house, where he’s…
Donald and the chipmunks, Chip and Dale, are after each other again, this time when they come upon Donald vacationing in a trailer. When he goes swimming, they fool him…
It’s the 1890’s, and Donald is riding his penny-farthing bicycle to see Daisy when Chip ‘n Dale make fun of him. It quickly escalates into a full-fledged war between Donald…
Donald steals Chip and Dale’s nuts for his nut-butter shop, which is shaped like a giant walnut, Chip and Dale, roll and “shoot” Donald into a nearby lake.