The cartoon revolves around several racers with various themes who are each allowed to use strange gimmicks to compete against other racers in many races across the United States.
The cartoon revolves around several racers with various themes who are each allowed to use strange gimmicks to compete against other racers in many races across the United States.
At one of his many visits to his doctor, hypochondriac George Kimball mistakes a dying man’s diagnosis for his own and believes he only has about two more weeks to…
A mission to Venus discovers the planet inhabited only by women led by their evil Queen Yllana. Yllana had all the men of Venus killed, now that’s she met Earth…
In a tributary of the Amazon, a monster – half-man, half-fish – is captured and placed in a reservoir in a Florida national park to be observed by scientists.
Author & amateur astronomer John Putnam and schoolteacher Ellen Fields witness an enormous meteorite come down near a small town in Arizona, but Putnam becomes a local object of scorn…
Two Marine Corps combat photographers compete for the love of a Red Cross nurse during the Korean War. During a secret mission behind the North Korean lines their rivalry reaches…
Glamorous Lorry Jones, the toast of a Missouri military canteen, has become “engaged” to almost every serviceman she’s signed her pin-up photo for. Now she’s leaving home to go into…
A soldier stationed on an army base and his fiancé, who runs a women’s “fat farm” nearby, want to get married but don’t have enough money. Three customers of the…