The daily lives of prisoners in Emerald City, an experimental unit of the Oswald Maximum Security Prison where ingroups – Muslims, Latinos, Italians, Aryans – stick close to their mutual…
A suburban family struggles with the death of their 19 year-old son, following an overdose of heroin that was laced with fentanyl. The film explores the question of who and…
Ex-con turned “scrapper” Jake leads a quiet life caring for his family until he is pursued by violent Punjabi and Mexican criminals following a botched robbery.
In a near future when environmental havoc is causing food shortages and compelling the government to protect its organized crop system by deploying sentinel drones, a handful of locals discover…
Seyi, a 24-year-old Nigerian-American, works on Wall Street. Desperate to succeed because of his outsider status-due to class and race-he commits a crime, insider trading, which brings his entire world…