Australian Idol is an Australian singing competition, which began its first season in July 2003 and ended its original run in November 2009 before being revived in January 2023. As…
Mattie, a widow living in the backwoods of Florida during Prohibition, meets Trax, a charming man much younger that herself. Trax is a womanizing, lying bootlegger who needs money and…
Inspired by My Fair Lady, this interpretation of Pygmalion is about a sexologist who attempts to transform Misty from a hooker into sensuous instrument of passion. Misty’s big test is…
In the mythical European city of Leisure, married couple Jack and Elvira have an ongoing bet regarding who can seduce whom. This comes up in the wake of a swinging…
The police suspect that a drug and forced-prostitution ring is behind the recent spate of kidnappings and disappearances, but so far they’ve been unable to infiltrate the suspects gang. To…