Unusual Suspects is an American documentary television series on Investigation Discovery. The series debuted on June 21, 2010. The series showcases many of the most shocking and difficult cases in…
Having been gone for three years, closeted advertising executive Adrian returns to his Texas hometown and struggles to reveal his dire circumstances to his conservative family.
An Eccentric haunted house owner invites a group of hapless teens to play the terrifying game known as Charlie Charlie, overnight in the many attractions his house has to offer….
After spoiled city girl Sloane Emerson gets in trouble yet again, her wealthy parents send her off to the country. There, the rebellious teen ends up forming a bond with…
Eighteen-year old Ashley’s life is headed in the wrong direction. She’s been hanging out with a bad crowd and seeking an escape from the drama at home. Everything begins to…
Antoinette Vitrini, a volcanologist, confirms her theory of a long-dormant underground volcano after an offshore-drilling rig bursts into flames. Now, she must stop catastrophic amounts of magma from pumping out…