Jean Preston is determined to find her fiancée, Greg Jones, who went on a safari and didn’t come back when expected. She travels to Akbar, India with Greg’s father, Colonel…
A treasury agent on the trail of counterfeit money confides to fellow ocean liner passenger, Charlie Chan, that there have been two attempts on his life.
A veteran, Joe Hilton, returns from the war to find that his brother Jeffrey Hilton, a gangster, has been killed. His quest for revenge leads him to take over his…
A lonely child, neglected by her parents, encounters and befriends a German Shepherd, but she’s unaware the animal is a military dog being trained for service in WW2.
Imprisoned during the Spanish Civil War, John “Kit” McKittrick is released when a New York City policeman pulls some strings. Upon returning to America, McKittrick hears that a friend has…
Young man from Kansas goes to New York to work for his tycoon-hero. His superiors won’t listen to his ideas about business, but the boss and his daughter do.