Lily, a dedicated therapist, begins experiencing unsettling dreams that connect her past with the present. As she navigates through complex patient relationships, particularly with Ryan, who believes they share a…
After being stood up by her partner Brad (William McNamara), Rachel (Jamie Luner) soon meets Michael (Johnny Messner) and his teenage daughter, Sophia. During Christmas Eve pageant rehearsals, Sophia finds…
Five years later a 17-year-old Katie turns up at Janet’s doorstep. The overwhelming joy is short lived, though, as Katie is suffering from severe trauma and unable to account for…
Recently split from the “perfect boyfriend,” Amber is floundering, her on the job performance uninspired. When Amber starts re-living the same day over and over again, she realizes she is…
Matt and Aubrey, a young and successful show business couple, are having their first child. Based on a friend’s recommendation, they go to the best OBGYN in Los Angeles, Dr….