The Andy Milonakis Show is an American sketch comedy television show starring Andy Milonakis, which aired on MTV2, the first season having aired on MTV. The program premiered on June…
A comedy that follows two high school students — one overachiever struggling to write his valedictorian speech, the other a senior now going on his 15th year of school.
The morning after kicking off their semester with a patriotic “stars, stripes, and strippers” party, the members of the Omega fraternity awaken to a find a baby on their doorstep….
Three naïve guys, in their 20s, drive from Illinois to LA. A sleazy real-estate agent gives them a great deal on a house in the Hollywood Hills. The night they…
Superstar rap mogul C-Note wants to join the Carolina Pines Golf & Country Club, but faces stiff opposition from the establishment’s snooty members. C-Note forces the issue by purchasing the…