Boris is an Italian television series created by Luca Manzi and Carlo Mazzotta, initially produced from 2007 to 2010, with a revival season premiered in 2022. The show brings to…
Stuck in a dead-end career and on a string of terrible dates, the life of 30-something Maddalena is a total mess until one day, she meets an unlikely imaginary friend…
Damiano and Chicco are twin brothers. One is an unscrupulous manager and the other is a free spirit who earns his living as a horseman. Their father, Cesare, forces them…
Four tales unfold in the Eternal City: While vacationing in Rome, architect John encounters a young man whose romantic woes remind him of a painful incident from his own youth;…
Six high school friends in their 40s who haven’t seen each other in nearly 20 years rekindle their younger selves after a court cancels their diploma, forcing them to repeat…