Set between the years 1958 and 1982, Matka tells the story of Vasu, who rises from poverty to create a powerful gambling empire in India, ultimately leading the nation into…
A journalist pieces together the story of Eagle, a former professional sniper who falls in love with Rachana, and on a mission to redeem himself by working towards eradicating illegal…
Fear engulfs a village as murders pile up mysteriously. Shailu, a young woman, is the heart of the story and the enigmatic tale unravels with a suspenseful cinematic journey.
Set in a small island village of Yedurulanka, faces the looming uncertainties of 2012, Shiva, a pragmatic youngster along with his girlfriend Chithra and friends, devise a scheme to disprove…
A TV reporter, who has been gathering evidence to expose a self-styled godman for years, gets help from Goddess Mookuthi Amman. How does he utilise the situation to bring down…