SuperTed is a Welsh fictional anthropomorphic bear character created by Mike Young. Originally created by Young as a series of stories to help his son overcome his fear of the…
Each episode of Hoarders is a fascinating look inside the lives of two different people whose inability to part with their belongings is so out of control that they are…
Gavin & Stacey
Gavin is an ordinary boy from Billericay, Essex. Stacey is an ordinary girl from Barry Island, South Wales. They’ve spoken on the phone every day at work for months but…
The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes
When the powers of a single hero are not enough to save the world, the world’s greatest heroes—Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, The Hulk, Ant-Man/Giant Man and Wasp—assemble to form…
Bill Nye: The Science Guy
Fu Manchu inoculates ten women with poison, to kill ten world leaders.
Sons of Tucson
Sons of Tucson is a family comedy about three brothers who hire a charming, wayward schemer to stand in as their father when their real one goes to prison. What…
Great British Menu
Britain’s top chefs compete for the chance to cook a four-course banquet for a high-profile figure.
Life Goes On
Life Goes On is a television series that aired on ABC from September 12, 1989, to May 23, 1993. The show centers on the Thatcher family living in suburban Chicago:…
The Pick-up Artist
The Pickup Artist is a tale of transformation. Mystery is a best-selling author and ultimate pick-up artist who has the secret to wooing women. He’ll guide a group of socially…