The sequel to Monster Hunt. Set in a world where monsters and humans co-exist, the franchise tells the story of Wuba, a baby monster born to be king. Wuba becomes…
After the death of his grandmother, Tom Lee discovers he is part of a long lineage of magical protectors known as the Guardians. With guidance from a mythical tiger named…
Puss in Boots is on a mission to recover the Princess’ stolen ruby from the notorious French thief, Whisperer. Reluctantly accompanied by three little kittens, Three Diablos, Puss must tame…
Deck the halls with Donkey’s laughter in this all-new holiday collection. Donkey presents his very own carolling stage show featuring his Far Far Away pals in this merry, musical treat…
Shrek challenges Donkey, Puss in Boots and his other fairy tale character friends to spend the night in Lord Farquaad’s haunted castle, telling scary stories to see who can resist…