Lily, a dedicated therapist, begins experiencing unsettling dreams that connect her past with the present. As she navigates through complex patient relationships, particularly with Ryan, who believes they share a…
Maggie is horrified to meet a woman who also claims to be married to her husband, Alan. Adversaries at first, they soon uncover a web of lies surrounding Alan and…
Kathy Rae is a hard-working presenter whose drive and talent has made her a popular radio host. John Reed is a carefree tech entrepreneur who’s more interested in hosting parties….
An aspiring fashion designer gets her chance to debut at a lavish Hamptons wedding where she is mistaken for a socialite and falls for a groomsman. Their love story could…
Genevieve Harper makes the most out of raising her two siblings after their parents’ tragic accident. At just 24, Viv has devoted herself to providing her family with the best…
Early in her life, Josephine Malone learned the hard way that there was only one person she could love and trust: her grandmother, Lydia Malone. Out of necessity, unconsciously and…