“The Birthday Boys” is a scripted original sketch comedy, executive produced by Bob Odenkirk (“Breaking Bad”, “Mr. Show”) and Ben Stiller (“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, “Zoolander”). The series…
A series of interconnected short films are the backdrop for a maniac screenwriter who pitches insane storylines featuring some of Hollywood’s biggest and brightest.
When a career criminal’s plan for revenge is thwarted by unlikely circumstances, he puts his intended victim’s son in his place by putting him in prison…and then joining him.
Marital infidelity, religion, a guy in heaven wearing a Wizards jersey, anal fetishes, cigarettes and schizophrenia, ghosts, and how it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
Follow the exploits of Jack Black and Kyle Gass, the two halves of Tenacious D, the self-proclaimed “greatest band on earth.” Their music is heavy on power chords and lyrics…