Daiki Tsuneta: Tokyo Chaotic
This documentary follows King Gnu frontman Daiki Tsuneta as he works with his musical collective millennium parade on their genre melding track “2992”.
Life After Flash
A look at the roller coaster life of Sam J. Jones since his role as Flash Gordon, his struggles and successes, and the aftermath of when he went up against…
Canaletto & the Art of Venice
EXHIBITION ON SCREEN open its fifth season with Canaletto & the Art of Venice, an immersive journey into the life and art of Venice’s famous view-painter. No artist better captures…
World 1-1
How Atari helped create the games industry years before it should have happened, and the lucky deals and unfortunate mistakes that almost destroyed the entire industry just as quickly as…
Chris Stuckmann Movie Reviews
World War II revisionist film that claims Jews deliberately caused both World Wars – and that Hitler was only trying to save Germany from the Jews – as part of…
Becoming the G.O.A.T.: The Tom Brady Story
Tom Brady is arguably the greatest quarterback of all time with stats that surpass even Peyton Manning, Joe Montana, and Dan Marino. With seven Super Bowl rings and a legendary…
This Is Joan Collins
A feature-length documentary on the life of one of the last surviving actresses from the golden age of Hollywood – Joan Collins. This epic film is told from the ringside…
Pick of the Litter
Follows a litter of puppies from the moment they’re born and begin their quest to become Guide Dogs for the Blind, the ultimate canine career. Cameras follow these pups through…
Angels and Demons Are Real
It seems that in recent years Angel sightings and experiences are everywhere. Perhaps this is because the world is more and more complicated and people are feeling exhausted from keeping…
The first woman rabbi in the world, Regina Jonas, comes to light, courtesy of Rachel Weisz – who plays her – and her father George Weisz, who was the executive…
War Photographer
Documentary about war photographer James Nachtwey, considered by many the greatest war photographer ever.
For All Mankind
A testament to NASA’s Apollo program of the 1960s and ’70s. Composed of actual NASA footage of the missions and astronaut interviews, the documentary offers the viewpoint of the individuals…
The End of Meat
Although evidence of meat consumption’s negative impact on the planet and on human health continue stacking up as animal welfare is on the decline, humanity’s love affair with hamburgers, steaks,…